Forme Solar Electric, a residential installer based in Los Angeles and ranked 256th on the 2022 Top Solar Contractors List, recognizes that despite the perception of solar arrays as reliable and maintenance-free, failures do occur.
This understanding has led to the establishment of a company dedicated to solar repair, especially in Southern California where such issues are prevalent.
Founded in 2017, Forme Solar initially specialized in solar repair services before expanding into installation. Co-founder and Chief Sales Officer, Nick Duong, previously worked in the support and repair division of the now-closed Verengo Solar.
Forme Solar was created to address the repair needs of solar system owners who are unable to schedule service calls with their original installers. The company often deals with repair requests for systems installed by out-of-business contractors or larger installers with lengthy waitlists.
Many of the issues encountered by Forme Solar’s repair technicians involve electrical failures. Aging inverters, often out of warranty, are a common problem while broken zip ties can lead to sagging wires and potential electrical shorts.
The company’s experience in solar repairs paved the way for its expansion into the installation. Through fulfilling warranties, component replacements, and system rewiring, Forme Solar has gained valuable expertise in creating more robust systems that require fewer repairs.
Presently, Forme Solar’s work is divided with about 60% focused on installation and the remaining 40% on repairs. In the year 2021, the company successfully installed nearly 3.2 megawatts of solar energy capacity.
As the U.S. solar market continues to grow, the demand for repair services is anticipated to rise correspondingly.